Moving through Uncertain Times & Rooting in Presence


In light of the ongoing challenges in our home country – Sudan, it’s essential that we take time to process our emotions and experiences, both individually and collectively. These times have impacted us all in different ways, and coming together as a community is vital for our healing and our future. 

You are invited to participate in our group processing sessions. These sessions offer a safe space to share, to listen, to be heard and to reflect in community. 

Please note that we gather not to debate the war in Sudan, but to nurture our souls and bodies through these turbulent times. This Circle is a place where we can breathe, feel, and simply be with ourselves and each other. Here, we create a community that embraces the full spectrum of the Sudanese experience, where every shade of being Sudanese is not only acknowledged but celebrated. We remind ourselves of the threads that weave us into one tapestry—our rich culture, our shared history, our dreams for the future.

In our diversity, we find strength; in our unity, we find healing. 

September 25th 2024

90 minutes x 5 sessions

10 available spots

£75 or $100/person (for the 5 sessions)

Circle Objectives

  • Community Support: Connect with others who share your experiences and who can relate to what you are going through.
  • Healing Together: We live in an individualistic society yet we come from a collective fabric. In the Circle we practice leaning into the collective fabric while remaining true to our core values and personal needs.
  • Safe Space: Open up in a supportive environment where your voice will be heard and respected.

Skills to Explore

  1.  Using sound, touch and breath to come into the present moment relieving the mind from
    planning and allowing the body to return to its natural state.
  2. Practice active listening, with your ears as well as your body, fully receiving another and
    being received by them.
  3. Developing embodied presence, noticing and tracking what is occurring inside you, around
    you and between you and another.
  4. Sharing and becoming aware of what arises as you share, as you listen and as you are heard.

Circle Format

The Circle will be held online. It will combine interactive discussions, practical exercises, and
reflective activities. Participants will have opportunities to share their experiences, practice
new skills, and engage in meaningful dialogue with each other.

Who Should Attend?
This Circle is designed for Sudanese women located across the globe who wish to come
together in community and deepen their relationships, improve communication, and support
each other’s wellbeing as we move through these challenging times.

We often navigate these challenging times alone, instead let’s find strength in unity and
support one another as we work through the pain and discomfort together.

Location and Price
The Circles will be held online for 5 weeks. Each session will run for 90 minutes. The cost for the
Circle series is £75 or $100 per person.

Dates & Times

Sessions will be held on Wednesdays from 6pm – 7:30pm UK time-zone on the following dates:

Wednesday September 25th

Wednesday October 2nd

Wednesday October 9th – no session

Wednesday October 16th

Wednesday October 23rd

Wednesday October 30th

How to Join

There are only 10 spots available for this Circle.

To join, please fill out the form below by September 18th. After receiving your request, I will follow up with a few questions. If there is a match, I will provide you with the bank details for payment.

Please ensure that full payment of £75 or $100 is made by September 23rd.

You are welcome to speak Arabic during the Circle, but please note that you must also be comfortable understanding English.

Book your place

To book, please fill out the form and I will respond to you within 24 hours.
Circle Request