
The contemporary term for group therapy is “circles.” In these circles, 5-7 individuals convene once a week for 8 weeks, gathering at a designated day and time to explore a particular topic.
The initial step involves recognising that we cannot navigate life’s challenges alone. Attempting to remedy disconnection through isolation is challenging; true healing emerges through connection.

Group settings offer potent opportunities for healing because, instead of turning away, we turn toward one another. While this may feel daunting and unfamiliar, it’s a vital aspect of our growth. As we journey through life, we encounter suffering, which often leads us to withdraw from others and from ourselves. Yet, disconnection cannot be resolved by isolation; it necessitates reconnection—with others and with ourselves. We learn from one another’s stories, embracing our shared, intricate humanity

Participation is entirely voluntary; individuals may choose not to share if they wish, and all shared experiences remain confidential.


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